Professional Colon Hydrotherapy & Holistic Cleansing

“All Disease Begins In The Gut” – Hippocrates
More and more research is surfacing to support Hippocrates age old comment. A healthy gut leads to a healthy body, mind & life!
Colon Hydrotherapy is a great way to cleanse the gut and boost overall health and wellbeing.
Our internationally certified team will assist you throughout the process, performing treatments using equipment approved and licensed in New Zealand.
We provide personalised health treatments in a private, safe and supportive environment

What to expect from a Colon Hydrotherapy Session?
You can have a colon hydrotherapy session without any preparation; however, avoiding some foods may allow for an easier and more comfortable treatment.
A few days before your treatment, you may also like to minimise caffeine, alcohol, sugar, meat, bread, soft drinks, and heavy and processed foods. This will assist the body in beginning detoxing before your session.
On the day of your treatment, it may help to eat light meals like steamed vegetables, soup, smoothie, vegetable juice and salad options.
Try not to eat anything two hours before your treatment, especially anything heavy.
Keep hydrated by drinking 1 to 2 litres of water and fluids like herbal teas.
The process lasts around 30-45 minutes, so clients are asked to allow 60 minutes total to allow some time before and after the session.
A certified colon hydrotherapist will be available to assist you with the process, monitor you throughout the session, or provide privacy for those that prefer solitude.
In a private space, you will firstly undress from the waist down, then covering yourself with a sheet during the entire session.You will then be provided with instructions on how to insert a thin disposable tube slightly into the rectum. The tube is about the thickness of a standard pencil.
A soothing flow of purified, temperature-controlled water is then gravity-fed into the colon. This water helps to soften and loosen the waste which is then naturally released out of the colon. There is no odour and no mess involved with this process.The open colon hydrotherapy equipment ensures that your privacy and dignity are maintained throughout the session as it assists with detoxification of both the colon and the entire body.
We use a the latest open colon hydrotherapy technology, which is approved internationally.
The device is filtered with carbon and ultra-violet light purification systems to ensure the safety of the water used throughout the session.
The highest standard of hygiene is maintained by using disposable, single-use equipment at all times.
What is the Colon?
The colon, also known as the large intestine or the bowel, is the final section of the human digestive system. It is a muscular tube approximately 1.8 metres long and 6cm in diameter. The colon's role is to absorb water, vitamins, and minerals and to form and eliminate waste (faeces) from the body. The colon is populated by trillions of friendly bacteria. These bacteria play a major role in the function of our immune system and overall health.
What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Colon hydrotherapy is also called colonics, colon irrigation or high enemas.
Colon hydrotherapy involves the gentle infusion of purified, temperature-regulated, gravity-fed water to the colon. The body naturally releases the infused water along with any waste.
This process can help soften and remove old faecal matter that can clog the colon.
A colon hydrotherapy session hydrates and activates peristaltic activity. Over time, this movement may help improve the tone, strengthen the bowel and encourage better digestive transit time. For optimal function, ideally, one bowel movement is required each day.
No chemicals or drugs are involved in the session - only filtered, purified, temperature-controlled water is used.
A healthier gut can boost mood, reduce stress, and support mental clarity — showing how caring for your gut can also benefit your brain.

The Benefits
Colon hydrotherapy is not a panacea or cure-all treatment; however, it may be a helpful procedure in alleviating a wide range of disease symptoms.
Symptoms that may respond to colon hydrotherapy include low immunity, colon-related conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and constipation, healing of skin conditions such as acne and sores, relief from headaches, fatigue and swelling.
Colon hydrotherapy assists the colon in eliminating waste more efficiently, relieving any toxic burden on other organs and channels of elimination, such as the liver and kidneys.
The colon then functions more efficiently in eliminating waste and nutrient-absorbing nutrients.
Some benefits you may see are as follows:
Reduced bloating, gas and pain
Regular pain-free bowel movements
Relief from constipation or diarrhoea
Elimination of parasites, bad bacteria, candida infections and toxins
Improved immune system (increased resistance to colds/flu/sickness)
Reduction in allergies and food intolerances
Weight loss and flatter stomach
Relief from headaches
Increased mental clarity
Increase in energy levels and overall vitality
More balanced mood
Reduced stress
Fresher breath
Healthy skin
Clear eyes